Sunday, January 2, 2011

Amazon gift cards are awesome. Unless your someone like me

My wonderful mother got my brother and I Amazon gift cards as one of our gifts this Christmas. Normally, I love gift cards. They take all the hassle out of shopping for that PERFECT gift for the people in your life and they can't complain about getting the wrong thing. That sounds horrible, but that is why they are so popular.

I actually enjoy finding gifts that I think my family and friends will like. However, I'm a class A procrastinator. I don't do it on purpose, I don't think anyone does really, but I am really good at it.

Back to the topic at hand. Gift cards are normally pretty great, especially amazon gift cards. You can find anything at amazon, and that is where the problem lies. As a rule, I hate shopping. When I am buying things for other people it can be a lot of fun. When it's for me... well, I drive myself crazy. There a lot of things that I would like to get and I am only limited by the amount on the card.

What I ended up doing was buying 4 movies that I had seen about a million times. They are blu-ray so at least there is an upgrade and you can't really argue with good movies. The funny thing is, I did this while I was trying to type up this post. I guess it just finally made sense.

It only took me over a week.

Horay for throw away posts!


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