Monday, January 3, 2011

Mea charta perfectus

I don't know if the Latin is right but I finished my final paper tonight. I got an extension on the paper because the initial one for the class was... shite. This one is far and away a better paper and I am pretty happy with the result. Now that I have gotten the self gratification out of the way I will discuss where I want to take this blog.

The title of the blog should be a dead giveaway of what the blog will entail. It may not be much at the moment since I don't have anything new to show here but that should be changing in the very near future. I will be forcing myself to draw at least an hour a day for the rest of the foreseeable future which should be good for me. Next semester here in the windy city will have me taking part in three different studio classes and two of them will require me to use traditional materials. That means, for 14 hours every week I will be drawing/painting. If I can't draw at least one hour everyday, how can I possibly think that I want to be an artist?

Art means a lot of different things to a lot of different people. The standard definition of art is something that is deliberately created by man to achieve something outside of nature. For me, art is beauty. That is the simple idea at least. When I think of art I think of the old masters from the renaissance and the impressionists who were tired of showing the world as it is and decided to show what the world could look like through the lens of imagination. I can only hope and strive to make my art move people the way that these geniuses did hundreds of years ago.

Of course art is subjective and there are modern artists who have made me question my idea of art. I used to think that modern art was just a mess of ideas that meant next to nothing. After spending some time in the Art Institute I have come to see that art is many things and really does defy simple understanding. After learning this and finishing my first semester here at art school I want to experiment with art in a very different way.

Not being afraid of failure was definitely the hardest lesson to learn here during my first semester. The one coming in at a close second being that procrastination just isn't going to work. Now that I am fully aware of these things I think I can take my first steps toward making art that I am proud of. Here's hoping at least.


1 comment:

  1. Procrastination gets the best of all of us at some point or another. It seems like the trick is finding out what keeps you motivated enough to push through it and get the work done. It's alot easier said than done though, I still struggle with it frequently. Just keep up the positive attitude and the motivation and you'll work though it!
